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marketing processes

The Consumer Buying Process Deconstructed

Timing is Everything for the Consumer Buying process

Making a decision to buy something is different depending on what you may be buying. Generally the higher the price ticket the more advanced is the consumer buying process.
It’s easy to decide to buy milk or bread because one doesn’t use much brain power.
But buying a motor car, a house or considering home renovations or planning a children’s birthday party all take a little more brain power and sometimes time. Having clarity on what the alternatives are, what the costs involved are, will be factors for the buyer to consider.
Some purchases are even dependant on another purchase being successful. One doesn’t order the birthday pony for a toddlers birthday party unless you are able to secure the venue that can handle the pony. Similarly one won’t get a home inspection done until your offer to purchase the property has been accepted, and you may not need the new motor car unless you qualify for the finance.
Decisions about the car, the home inspection or the pony will be dependant on other factors. Suspensive conditions if you must.
So for sellers of goods and services the key to making the sale is to tailor your pitch to the the stage that the buyer has reached in the buying process. Identifying where the sellers mindset is, is crucial to understanding what information the buyer needs in order to make the sale and improve your conversion rate.
Trying to close before the buyers need is properly established is just annoying to the buyer. And providing the buyer with further information when the buyer ready to buy is equally annoying.
Sales is a process.
There are steps to the consumer buying process.
And much of the sales process can be automated.

Digitally First - Physically Enhanced

The Online Business Model is now the MAIN ACT supporting the physical business presence. Transitioning to this new reality has been fraught with difficulty but terribly exciting. Successful transients are alive with possibilities…

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Build business processes to predict success, Content Creation
Content creation

The Power of Action in Content Creation:

A Reflection

Action starts with a plan

I’d been asked to address a guest house forum on tackling social media. Given the broad nature of this topic, I chose to focus on the power shift from business to consumer due to the new ways we communicate since the advent of the Internet.

The short talk was well received; I saw many people jotting down points I made. However, at the end of my talk, one delegate initiated a new discussion. She expressed frustration with the local authorities’ lack of commitment to basic services in the city, impacting tourism. She cited issues like street cleanliness, pothole repairs, and the lack of promotion for her area.

This made me think.

In life and business, including content creation, to tackle a problem, one needs to take action. I always break down projects into actionable steps. Inspired action is crucial to moving forward.

Our delegate identified the problem but was at a loss on what to do next. She spent considerable time introducing negative energy by deflecting the problem onto someone else, hoping the forum would take up her cause—a classic case of passing the monkey.

Some things are out of our control. Wasting time trying to control the uncontrollable is counterproductive. Instead, we should analyze what we can do. The question to ask is, “What is the next step or action I can take?” Knowing this is key to moving forward. Big, audacious goals are essential for focus, but without breaking them into next actions, we won’t achieve the desired outcomes.

For instance, possible actions in her case could be:

  • Make an appointment with the ward councillor to express her views.
  • Identify the steps needed to remedy the situation.
  • Engage with the right people.
  • Call for a meeting with affected stakeholders.
  • Plan her vote in the next election to reflect her discontent.

Assuming someone else will take action on your behalf is impractical. The lady hoped the forum would champion her cause. As a founding member of that forum, I believe we need to clearly define our roles.

In content creation, this principle applies too. Break down your projects and tasks into next actions and see the benefits. Inspired action propels progress.

Dave Allen’s excellent book, “Getting Things Done,” encapsulates this philosophy. It’s well worth a read for anyone looking to boost productivity.

For more insights on revolutionising the content creation process, visit Revolutionising the Content Creation Process.

Enjoy breaking your projects into actionable steps and watch your progress unfold.

Digitally First but Physically Enhanced

The Online Business Model has usurped the Physical Business Presence as the primary business presence. Physical businesses now support the online versions.

This transitioning has been fraught with difficulty but has been terribly exciting. Successful transients are alive with possibilities…

The advantages of taking action Read More »

Content Creation
Content Creation

The Cost-Cutting Magic of a Proper Brief

Optimising Online Marketing Real Estate

The Power of a Proper Brief

In the bustling bazaar of online marketing, where every pixel counts and every click is precious, efficiency isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity. Imagine hiring a web designer to create a stellar website for your real estate business, only to watch them flounder like a fish out of water, piecing together scattered information and guessing your preferences. It’s not just frustrating; it’s costly. Herein lies the often-overlooked power of a proper brief.

A well-crafted brief is the secret sauce that can transform your online marketing real estate into a high-performing asset. By providing a clear, comprehensive brief to your web designer, you ensure that they have all the information they need upfront, minimizing the time spent on revisions and corrections. This not only speeds up the project but also cuts costs significantly.

According to a report by the Project Management Institute, ineffective communication leads to project failure one-third of the time, which translates to a 56% increase in costs. A proper brief is the antidote to this problem, acting as a guiding star for your web designer. It outlines your vision, target audience, key messages, and specific functionalities, allowing the designer to focus on creativity rather than detective work.

Analogies in Other Industries

The concept of a detailed brief isn’t exclusive to web design. Take, for instance, the construction industry. Imagine building a house without a blueprint. The chaos, the missteps, the budget overruns—sounds nightmarish, right? A blueprint in construction serves the same purpose as a brief in web design. It provides clarity, direction, and a solid foundation upon which creativity can thrive.

Similarly, in the world of filmmaking, the script is the lifeline. It tells the director what scenes to shoot, the actors what lines to deliver, and the crew how to set the stage. Without a script, a film would be an incoherent mess. A proper brief functions as the script for your website, ensuring that all elements work together harmoniously to deliver a cohesive and compelling user experience.


In-Depth Analysis and Expert Opinions

Let’s delve deeper into the nitty-gritty of how a proper brief can save costs. A study by the Content Marketing Institute found that 60% of the most successful marketers have a documented strategy. This underscores the importance of clear, upfront communication. When web designers are given a precise brief, they can allocate their time more efficiently, reducing the hours (and costs) associated with endless revisions.

Moreover, a well-defined brief helps avoid scope creep—a common pitfall in web design projects. Scope creep occurs when new features or changes are added without corresponding adjustments to the budget and timeline. According to a study by the Standish Group, scope creep is one of the primary reasons why projects exceed their budget. A detailed brief minimizes this risk by setting clear expectations from the outset.

The Domino Effect of Efficiency

But the benefits of a proper brief extend beyond cost savings. By ensuring that your website is completed on time and within budget, you can launch your marketing campaigns sooner, capturing leads and driving sales more effectively. This creates a positive domino effect, where efficiency in one area leads to improved performance across your entire marketing strategy.

Additionally, a brief that accurately captures your brand’s essence can enhance the website’s quality, making it more engaging and user-friendly. According to Adobe, 38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content or layout is unattractive. A well-designed website, informed by a comprehensive brief, can keep visitors on your site longer, reducing bounce rates and increasing conversions.

A Call to Action

So, what’s the takeaway here? It’s simple: don’t skimp on the brief. As marketers, we often focus on the big picture—grand campaigns, innovative strategies, cutting-edge technologies. But sometimes, it’s the seemingly small details, like a well-crafted brief, that can make the biggest difference.

In an age where attention spans are dwindling and competition is fierce, efficiency and precision are paramount. By investing time in creating a detailed brief, you’re not just saving money—you’re setting the stage for success.

As you plan your next online marketing initiative, consider the broader implications of these insights. How can you apply the principles of clear communication and detailed planning to other areas of your strategy? Can you create similar efficiencies in your content creation, social media marketing, or email campaigns?

The future of marketing lies in our ability to adapt and optimize. By honing our processes and embracing the power of a proper brief, we can not only survive but thrive in the digital marketplace.

So, the next time you embark on a web design project, remember: a little clarity goes a long way. Let’s make the brief great again!

Digitally First but Physically Enhanced

The Online Business Model has usurped the Physical Business Presence as the primary business presence. Physical businesses now support the online versions.

This transitioning has been fraught with difficulty but has been terribly exciting. Successful transients are alive with possibilities…

The Cost-Cutting Magic of a Proper Brief Read More »

Content Creation, Your Online Presence
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