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Sales processes

Better lead Conversion through Sales Funnels

Sales funnels are the basis for lead conversion

Sales funnels are a tool used to capture interested leads and to convert a percentage of them to sales.

Constructing  sales funnels involves an iterative process that educates and informs leads so that the leads are empowered to make a decision.

Effective sales funnels are created specifically for target groups based on the product or service required.

A sales funnel has technical components such as a customer relationship management system or email marketing system loaded with communication timed to deliver via text, email, telephone, virtual meetings and or physical visits.

Typically the sales funnel starts with a landing page with a free offer to capture the leads details which initiated the communication process.

However leads need to be driven to this landing page containing the offer.

So integral to the sales funnel process is developing campaigns to drive leads.

This may take take the form of social media campaigns, online ad campaigns, public relations and good old fashioned search engine optimisation.

A sales funnel is the base of all successful online sales.

Digitally First - Physically Enhanced

The Online Business Model has usurped the Physical Business Presence as the primary business presence. Physical businesses now support the online versions.

This transitioning has been fraught with difficulty but has been terribly exciting. Successful transients are alive with possibilities…

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Build business processes to predict success, Connect with your target market
Digital First

E-Commerce Stores

Naspers reports that Takealot Group Revenue grew by 65% to $606 million in 2020.

"Few topics are worth your precious time. Choose what you pay attention to with great care" - James Clear
There is no doubt that there have been massive shifts in consumer behaviour in the last two years. CoVid induced online shopping has taken away 6,5 billion Rand from brick and mortar shops 
Online retail growth has been nothing short of spectacular.  Naspers reports in their March 2021 Takealot Group Annual Results that revenue grew by 65% to $606 million. Yes thats US dollars. (9,6 billion Rand).
Now this mainly reflects a shift in consumer spending rather than growth. So that means based on Takealot’s revenue growth alone, some 6,4 billion Rand spending has shifted from brick and mortar traders to Takealot’s online store.
That’s before we look at other online retail stores such as Checkers Sixty60 and Pick n Pay’s asap to name a few. Consumers have moved beyond their fear of online ordering.
The genie is out of the bottle.
This trend will continue.
The ramifications are huge.  I’m sure you see dozens of empty shops in your local malls.
So what are you doing about this in your retail business?
This trend is certainly worth allocating your precious time to and you should be choosing to pay attention to it.
CoVid induced online shopping takes away 6,5 billion Rand from brick and mortar shops 1
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You may be surprised how little a fully fledged eCommerce site may cost.

Digitally First But Physically Enhanced

The swing to digital businesses should be supported by a physical presence. Even if that physical presence takes a new form.

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Online Academies

Why do online academies make good business sense

Remote learning is challenging

Today I sat in on an online meeting where the manager was venting about complacency within his team . His concern was that team members were not following prescribed procedures and using online resources.

It was evident that he felt that team members had not taken the time and effort to absorb critical information that enabled them to produce outputs that were up to the companies standard.

The managers frustration stemmed from his commitment to create supporting information and training together with online resources to allow his team to shine. But the team had not made the effort to assimilate and apply the information. 

This training by and large happened online in the weekly team meeting. Of course a lot of information was imparted and some of the team members didn’t quite understand or were overwhelmed by the magnitude of info.

You can lead a horse to water but…

Managing an online team has its challenges.  You need to be able to train teams, impart information and of course test for recognition. This is easily accomplished when team members are in close proximity. One only has to ask questions in a one on one situation that will quickly show if the team member has grasped the critical information. 

But when dealing with remote workers this is not always the case. It’s an art and a skill to get remote workers to participate in zoom meetings and it is very difficult and time consuming to test if team members have taken in the information. It also van make for a boring meeting for other team members who grasp the information more easily.

Thats why an online academy is so essential.

Team training can easily be created. Recording a zoom meeting will create content for a training module. This video can be uploaded to an online academy and a quick quiz about the subject matter can be created which will allow the manager to determine if the team members have absorbed the information. 

The beauty of this internal academy system is that the training is always available and new team members can be put through an induction process by being directed to watch video 1,3 8 and 22 and answer the related questions to quickly bring them up to speed.  

This resource allows managers and owners to become more efficient and more profitable sooner.

Internal academies are not terribly expensive and all remote teams can benefit. 

What is your organisation doing to promote your remote corporate culture?

Get an estimate of what an e-learning site will cost

Why do online academies for businesses make sense? 6
The Online Marketer
Online Academies

Digitally First But Physically Enhanced

The swing to digital businesses should be supported by a physical presence. Even if that physical presence takes a new form.

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Remote workers don't always wear shirts

Induction training for new recruits

Remote workers face bigger challenges when joining new companies.
A banker friend told me recently that he asked his administrative assistant to sit in on a new client take on meeting which was held on line. My friend related that he became irritated when the assistant hadn’t turned on his camera. The banker friend thought it important for his new client to get to see who he would be dealing with on a day to day basis. Eventually the banker friend interrupted the meeting to ask the assistant to switch on his camera.
Of course it turned out that the assistant had not dressed for work, as he was working at home, and was looking somewhat disheveled. Not quite the corporate professional look that the banker friend was hoping to project to his new high nett worth client.
It’s no secret that companies have sent their workforces to work from home. Huge office blocks remain empty or partially occupied and big corporates are learning to come to terms with measuring worker performance based on output instead of time.
As businesses get back into the swing of things, some companies are battling with the reality of induction training for new staff when these staff members are often working remotely. Some new staff members report feeling a little alienated when starting new jobs as they don’t get to ask colleagues about office politics and get a sense for corporate culture.
In addition, the induction process is often cut short, shadowing is minimised and learning the ropes takes quite a bit of effort. Reading a manual isn’t quite the same.
Supervisors are discovering that new recruits are not getting the corporate culture. They are not always prepared for all the challenges of remote work and sometimes the basics are being ignored or left out.
Online learning systems are an easy solution to many of these challenges. A systematic and structured indiction program that deals with the corporate do’s and don’ts, communications and marketing themes, resource allocation and other things that are normally taken for granted can all be incorporated into an online learning management system. Internal systems do not have the formality of external systems and content production is easy.
Companies have the benefit of recording online training sessions which can be uploaded to their internal online training platform. With a small amount of effort one can also build in mini assessments to test if the information has been imparted correctly and the training sessions are always available for staff members to refer back to.
Of course for those businesses who formalise standard operating procedures, these can also be part of the system. Forming if you like a large internal wikipedia, a knowledge base of sorts. Of course we all learn differently so for those that prefer reading, transcripts to the video training can be made, and presented side by side on the platform.
The benefit of the online platform is that the new recruits and for that natter older hands can refer to this online knowledge base at times that suit their energy levels and availability.
Flexibility is key.
So if you prefer your admin assistants to at least comb their hair and put on a shirt before joining a meeting you are hosting, then teach them the rules with your own internal learning management system.

Digitally First - Physically Enhanced

The Online Business Model has moved from an adjunct to the physical business presence to being the main act. Transitioning has been fraught with difficulty but terribly exciting. Successful transients are alive with possibilities…

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Digital First eLearning academy

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