The Online Marketer

The sales process

The Evolution and Relevance of Business Cards for SMEs

A conversation starter, and a lasting reminder of your brand.

Business cards have long been a staple of professional networking, evolving from aristocratic visiting cards in 17th century Europe to essential tools for modern business interactions. For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the business card is more than just a contact detail—it’s a first impression, a conversation starter, and a lasting reminder of your brand.

A Brief History of Business Cards

  • 17th Century Origins: Initially used by European aristocrats, visiting cards announced a person’s intention to visit and were often lavishly decorated.
  • 18th Century Trade Cards: In England, these cards doubled as advertisements and maps to guide customers to businesses.
  • 19th Century Modernization: With the Industrial Revolution, business cards became crucial for professional networking, especially in the United States and Europe.

Fun Facts About Business Cards

  • Victorian Etiquette: In the Victorian era, folded corners on cards had specific meanings, such as indicating a personal delivery.
  • Cultural Variations: In Japan, the exchange of business cards is a formal ritual known as “meishi koukan,” emphasizing respect and attention to detail.
  • Creative Materials: Modern business cards can be made from unique materials like metal, wood, and even chocolate.

Rethinking Business Cards in the Digital Age

In today’s digital world, the traditional paper business card is complemented by innovative digital solutions. SMEs can leverage these advancements to enhance their networking and marketing efforts.

Introducing Automated Virtual Card (vCard) Delivery

At The Online Marketer, we’ve integrated a cutting-edge feature into our Mailjam package that revolutionises the way you exchange contact information. Here’s how it works:

  1. Effortless Exchange: When someone enters their details into your phone or scans a QR code  they instantly receive your full contact details in vCard (VCF) form.
  2. Smartphone Integration: This ensures that your contact information is seamlessly added to their smartphone, eliminating the risk of losing or forgetting paper business cards.
  3. Automated Follow-Up: Our system can also automate the delivery of specific information related to the networking event you attended, taking follow-up to the next level.

The Advantages of Digital Business Cards

  • Capture and Retain Contacts: Digital vCards ensure that your details are accurately captured and stored in your contacts’ smartphones.
  • Enhanced Follow-Up: Automated follow-ups provide personalised information, helping to solidify connections made during networking events.
  • Sustainable and Innovative: Going digital reduces paper waste and demonstrates your commitment to innovative business practices.

Embrace the Future of Networking

As an SME, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. By adopting digital business card solutions, you not only streamline the process of exchanging contact details but also enhance your follow-up strategy, ensuring that every networking opportunity is maximised.

Consider how your current use of business cards aligns with these modern advancements. Are you making the most of your networking efforts? With automated vCard delivery, you can transform the way you connect, making every interaction count.

Mailjam VCards

For more information on how our Mailjam package can support your business’s networking needs, contact us today and take the first step towards a more connected future.

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