The Online Marketer

Online trends

Drive Traffic through pay per click (PPC).

How To Get Onto The Front Page Of Search Engine Results

Drive traffic through Pay per Click (PPC) SEO, and Online Reputation

If people can’t find you on the front page of search engines when they search for your type of goods or services then your website is irrelevant. You need to drive traffic through pay per click in order for people to  order from you.

  • We know what needs to be done to get you onto the front page of search engine results.
  • Getting onto the front page of search engines is a competition and you need to know the rules in order to compete.
  • Search engines want to monetise their results. We know how you can take advantage of this fact cost effectively.

Front page results are equivalent to winning a competition. The more people who compete the harder it gets. We know the rules of the competition. So with us you get a better chance or winning.

There are many factors involved in this competition and they are evolving all the time. It takes a specialist to help you drive traffic through pay per click.

Amongst the many factors we look at are:

  • The demand for your types of services and the “actual phrases” people use when looking for your types of services.
  • Your geographical position.
  • The way your website responds to the different devices used to find your website.
  • The content you have in your site and how this matches to actual demand.
  • The syntax and semantics in your copy all make a difference.
  • Your online reputation. What the search engines think or know about you and your organisation.
  • The structure of your copy and your images or video and how they relate to the rest of your website.
  • The proximity of the searcher to your business.
  • The searchers interests and web browsing history.
  • The search engine they use. (Google, Bing etc)
  • How quickly your website loads

These are just a few of the factors that will influence your chances of getting onto the front page of search engine results.

Drive Traffic through Pay Per Click (PPC) 1

Drive Traffic through Pay per Click Advertising

When you search for goods and services on the internet search engines such as Google now allocate the majority of the results page to paid for advertising. It therefore is in every businesses interest to consider paid for targeted adverts to entice your clientele.

  • New webpages take time to display your search results. Pay per click ads show immediately at no cost.
  • By targeting ads to specific website content you can save as much as 40% of the cost of the clicks.
  • Once off setup costs can save you thousands over time.
  • You can set up ads to show up all over the internet once someone has visited your website. Re marketing is a wonderful way to promote your business.

Pay per Click advertising is the only way you will be able to determine the cost per acquisition of your clients.

Henry Ford is credited with the saying “Half of all advertising works, It’s just to know which half”.

Our consultants are able to create a advertising plan to meet your goals and budget. This campaign is measurable and controllable. You can express your advertising in terms of cost per acquisition rather than cost per advert.

Digitally First But Physically Enhanced

The swing to digital businesses should be supported by a physical presence. Even if that physical presence takes a new form.

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