The Online Marketer

email marketing

The Power of Environment

Why the Environment is More Important Than the Pitch Itself

Creating Know, Like, and Trust

I’m an Apple junkie. The thought of switching to the Apple platform was terrifying about 25 years ago when my trusted IBM ThinkPad died on me.

However, I was persuaded by the design team I employed to make the move.

Since then, the Mac & iPhone has revolutionised my workflow, and I’ve long been an admirer of Apple’s quality products and user-friendly interface. While some complain about the premium prices, from my perspective, the longevity of their products and the seamless ecosystem far outweigh any perceived cost implications.

A recent visit to the Apple Store’s Genius Bar reinforced a powerful truth about sales: the environment in which a product is presented can be more influential than the product itself.

Apple’s Genius Bar: A Masterclass in Creating the Right Environment

When a friend of mine had problems with his iPhone a few weeks ago, I gladly accompanied him to the Apple Store’s Genius Bar to investigate. We stood in the queue and realised there would be a short wait, but a friendly employee approached us, quickly assessed the problem, and made an appointment for a one-on-one consultation with an Apple Genius. We then went off to enjoy a coffee in the mall’s coffee shop during the 20-minute wait.

The experience was unique, and it dawned on me that Apple had created an environment that perfectly aligns with Robert Cialdini’s principles of persuasion. We were told we would be dealing with a “Genius,” which immediately instilled a sense of authority. The one-on-one consultation made us feel valued, and the relaxed, non-pressurised environment, combined with the presence of many others seeking assistance, created a sense of community.

Through a combination of expertise, trust-building, problem-solving, and a welcoming atmosphere, the Genius Bar prepares customers to be open to the sales process without feeling like they are being sold to. This ultimately leads to higher customer satisfaction and increased sales.

The ultimate sales cliché of Know, Like, and Trust had been fully established.

The Historical Power of Environment in Sales

This concept of environment over pitch isn’t new. History is full of examples where the setting played a crucial role in sealing deals or influencing outcomes.

Julius Caesar’s Palace:
Julius Caesar didn’t just rely on his oratory skills to persuade; he used the grandeur of his villa’s gardens to impress visiting dignitaries. The opulent surroundings spoke volumes about Rome’s power, often more convincingly than any words could.

Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello:
Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello wasn’t just a home; it was a carefully crafted environment that helped him win over diplomats and politicians. The architectural brilliance and serene setting made visitors more agreeable to his proposals, proving that sometimes, the setting is as persuasive as the speaker.

Henry Ford’s Factory Floor:
Henry Ford knew that the sight of his efficient, cutting-edge assembly line would impress potential investors and partners far more than any pitch. The environment of innovation and progress he created in his factories was a testament to the future of manufacturing, making it easier to secure buy-in.

Why This Matters for Your Business

As a business owner, controlling the environment in which your potential customers engage with your brand gives you a significant advantage. When you own the environment, you control the experience. This is where platforms like your own website and email newsletters come into play.

On social media, algorithms decide who sees your content, when they see it, and if they see it at all. You’re at the mercy of constantly changing rules and platforms that are designed to serve their interests, not yours.

But when you build your audience through your email list or website, you’re in control.

You decide what your audience sees and when they see it. You can create a consistent, welcoming environment where your potential customers can get to know, like, and trust you over time—without the interference of third-party platforms.

The Power of Ownership

Yes, it takes more effort to build and maintain an email list or a website. It requires dedication, consistency, and patience. But the rewards are worth it. By owning your environment, you can:

  • Consistently reach your audience with the right message at the right time.
  • Build trust through regular, valuable content.
  • Nurture relationships without worrying about algorithms or platform changes.

The Daily Grind Pays Off

The daily grind of establishing an audience, educating them, and building those critical “Know, Like, Trust” factors is far better served through a medium you control.


Newsletter Options

Your email marketing campaigns and your website allow you to craft the ideal environment for your offers, ensuring your message is seen and heard by the right people.

Digitally First but Physically Enhanced

The Online Business Model has usurped the Physical Business Presence as the primary business presence. Physical businesses now support the online versions.

This transitioning has been fraught with difficulty but has been terribly exciting. Successful transients are alive with possibilities…

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