Structure of your WordPress website
When things break
Structure of your WordPress website
Structure of your WordPress website - Has your website changed it's look and feel lately?
WordPress is the worlds most popular website building framework. It is believed that more tan 43% of all websites are built on the WordPress platform.
Started way back in 2003 WordPress continues to evolve to provide an excellent platform on which most websites are now built. The development and maintenance of WordPress is done by open source communities.
So WordPress is the logical base on which your website has been built. We call this the core.
As part of the structure of your WordPress website we add plugins to give your site certain functionality that may be desirable for your type of business. Learning management systems and ecommerce capability are two examples of these requirements.
Every business has different needs. Plugins also help with website security, measurement of success and optimisation of the site. The plugins are either purchased from other developers, obtained for free, and in some cases they are custom built especially for your website.
To create the “look and feel: for your site we build an overlay, a skin if you like, called a theme. This theme is crafted to give you your desired appeal.
We also use page builders which allow your pages and posts to look good. The page builders also allow you to add video, tables, forms and other elements to your site without knowing code.
Now whilst all these additions such as plugins, themes and page builders are added to your site ongoing development is being made to the core.
Some of our client’s websites were built on WordPress version 3.5 and the ever evolving WordPress core has recently been upgraded to version 6 (2022). So this clearly is a sign that some updates may be required.
So as these improvements are made to the WordPress core and to the WordPress Plugins there are often conflicts between the various components of the site. The plugins and themes and page builders all need to be updated to keep pace with the core updates. Your website is in effect a living and adapting entity which requires management and care.
It goes without saying that from time to time some changes need to be made to the components to keep the website functioning as it should, Themes may need to be updated to keep up with the changing underlying technology.
Plugins may need to be changed or updated to keep up with modern thinking.
So the next time you look at your website and you notice something isn’t quite as you remembered it or that it looks broken or different and in extreme cases the website has become unrecognisable then you know whats going on.
It’s time for a chat.
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