Business strategy
Strategic Planning
Why should people do business with you?
A successful business strategy allows you to beat the competition
Knowing why people want to do business with you can be immensely powerful.
We know that people like doing business with people who share similar visions or outcomes.
And yet very few of us package our goods and services in these terms. We fail to articulate a single powerful vision.
Strategic planning can help your organisation do this.
Consider the following positioning statements or slogans from three of the top motor manufacturers. Each is unique, appeals to different people and yet encapsulates the driving force behind their business.
These statements galvanize what each business is about, the staff, management and customers know what they are all about.
Mercedes Benz – ‘The Best or Nothing
Audi – ‘Vorsprung Durch Technik
BMW – ‘Sheer Driving Pleasure’
Our Workshops resulted in these slogans
Broubart Security – ‘Driven by People – Powered by Technology’
The Online Marketer – ‘Let’s connect’
Eye-Bantu Consulting Services – ‘Your Partner in Power’
The Community Chest of South Africa – ‘Enhancing Communities – Restoring Hope’
Each slogan encapsulates the specific space that each of these companies or organisations operate in. The slogan defines the look and feel of the companies products, how they are designed, what they look like and how you would expect the company to behave. It allows each of these companies to create a sort of sandbox in which to compete and operate in.
If your business is able to articulate the space in which you operate it allows your business to set the rules of engagement with your competitors. It makes no difference how big or small your business is. Applying these business secrets allows you to eliminate the competition.
What we offer
The Online Marketer team offers a strategic planning workshop that allows you to articulate yourself in a manner that defines your difference.
This is a powerful strategy workshop to kick start your business.
It allows you to define your companies future direction, to identify opportunities and products to appeal to existing and new clients.
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Digitally First but Physically Enhanced
The Online Business Model has usurped the Physical Business Presence as the primary business presence. Physical businesses now support the online versions.
This transitioning has been fraught with difficulty but has been terribly exciting. Successful transients are alive with possibilities…