The Online Marketer

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Selling on the internet

There are many reasons one might search the net.

One might be looking for information or doing research.
An example may be searching for accommodation options for a holiday trip or looking for activities to do at your chosen or possible holiday destination.
On the other hand, you may be looking for something specific such as a part for a 1972 vintage motor vehicle or a fetching black dress for a function next week or you may be needing a home inspection done on a house you want to buy.
Or one may go onto the net to catch up with the latest news.
In each of these cases, the purpose is different and the way to convert that persons inquisitiveness into a sale is different.
In the online world, we have a solution for each of these scenarios. The simplest and easiest is to provide solutions to known problems where the person needs instant gratification.
We can provide that back dress or vintage car part or home inspection immediately with a targeted landing page with great SEO or direct people there with an ad on the search network.
However, if the inquiry was part of a longer sales process it would be beneficial to hold that persons attention or to offer them a great “value add” for free in exchange for their contact information.
Check out the giveaways on for a free South African Buyers Guide or for a free guide to the 10 most common problems in houses. Very good value for the clients.
In the case of our client offers a free guide to exploring the nearby villages in the Dordogne Valley, highlighting what you are most likely to find. 
Very clever marketing because in both cases the clients provide their email addresses in order to get this valuable information.
Now, these email addresses are extremely valuable because we can then develop the relationship with these people by sending them periodic updates on this area of interest. The Home Owners get advice on purchasing and maintaining a home and the “wannabe” Dordogne visitors get an overview of the changes in the valley according to the season.
In both cases, our clients become experts or specialists in their prospective fields with their potential buyers. They become the go-to people in that industry.
Of course, Facebook offers an incredible service in that you can target Facebook ads only to people who have shown an interest in your product or service. If you supply Facebook with a list of email addresses or telephone numbers of your clients or people that have expressed an interest in your product they will see your Facebook ads or stories appear on their timeline.
Google remarketing ads work in a similar way.

So follow this logic:

John and Valerie plan a holiday to France. They stumble across because they have searched for self catering accommodation in the Dordogne. They like what they see – we know this because they look at a number of pages on the website – but are not quite sure if they should go to the Dordogne valley or a beach destination such as Hossegor or Seignosse because they have friends who told them how great it is.
So they continue with their search. They find a nice place called However they are distracted and tired and resolve to make the decision later and only if if they can confirm their leave.
Now our clients at Les Chouettes, the French Country Cottage knows that people don’t make a decision straight away. They also know that their clients will be faced with many options and the best way to hold their clients interest is to provide a guide to the area which can be downloaded from their website.
So they employ a number of strategies to entice John and Valerie back. Firstly they had offered them their downloadable guide from The French Country Cottage website. In this case John and Valerie didn’t bite and download the guide. But as John and Valerie use the web they keep seeing display ads for ’s  guide to the Dordogne Valley popping up as online image based advertisements whenever they access their favourite news sites.
Secondly when trawling through their Facebook timeline they find an offer to download the guide as well.
The first scenario is possible through a Google remarketing advert and the second through the Facebook ads we mentioned above.
John and Valerie eventually choose one of the download options and are really amazed at the variety of things to do in the Dordogne Valley. They decide that the Dordogne will be their destination. Of course in their downloaded guide is a link to book at www, and so they make their booking, pay online and continue planning their holiday.
Never before has it been possible to target clients so effectively, so accurately and get measurable results for your ad spend.
There is a bit of a cost to set up a system like this, but the cost of the actual advertising is minimal compared to the return.
Ast THE ONLINE MARKETER we set up lead generating systems like this.
Let’s Connect

Online Ads management

Lets discuss your online ads management options with a free online chat to see if we would be a good fit to manage your online ads. We will only take you on of we can save you money.

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Digitally First but Physically Enhanced

The Online Business Model has usurped the Physical Business Presence as the primary business presence. Physical businesses now support the online versions.

This transitioning has been fraught with difficulty but has been terribly exciting. Successful transients are alive with possibilities…

There are many reasons one might search the net.
One might be looking for information or doing research. An example may be searching for accommodation options for a holiday trip or looking for activities to do at your chosen or possible holiday destination.
On the other hand, you may be looking for something specific such as a part for a 1972 vintage motor vehicle or a fetching black dress for a function next week or you may be needing a home inspection done on a house you want to buy.
Or one may go onto the net to catch up with the latest news.
In each of these cases, the purpose is different and the way to convert that persons inquisitiveness into a sale is different.
In the online world, we have a solution for each of these scenarios. The simplest and easiest is to provide solutions to known problems where the person needs instant gratification. We can provide that back dress or vintage car part or home inspection immediately with a targeted landing page with great SEO or direct people there with an ad on the search network.
However, if the inquiry was part of a longer sales process it would be beneficial to hold that persons attention or to offer them a great “value add” for free in exchange for their contact information. Check out the giveaways on for a free South African Buyers Guide or for a free guide to the 10 most common problems in houses. Very good value for the clients.
In the case of our client offers a free guide to exploring the nearby villages in the Dordogne Valley, highlighting what you are most likely to find. Very clever marketing because in both cases the clients provide their email addresses in order to get this valuable information.
Now, these email addresses are extremely valuable because we can then develop the relationship with these people by sending them periodic updates on this area of interest. The Home Owners get advice on purchasing and maintaining a home and the “wannabe” Dordogne visitors get an overview of the changes in the valley according to the season.
In both cases, our clients become experts or specialists in their prospective fields with their potential buyers. They become the go-to people in that industry.
Of course, Facebook offers an incredible service in that you can target Facebook ads only to people who have shown an interest in your product or service. If you supply Facebook with a list of email addresses or telephone numbers of your clients or people that have expressed an interest in your product they will see your Facebook ads or stories appear on their timeline.
Google remarketing ads work in a similar way.
So follow this logic:
John and Valerie plan a holiday to France. They stumble across because they have searched for self catering accommodation in the Dordogne. They like what they see – we know this because they look at a number of pages on the website – but are not quite sure if they should go to the Dordogne valley or a beach destination such as Hossegor or Seignosse because they have friends who told them how great it is. So they continue with their search. They find a nice place called However they are distracted and tired and resolve to make the decision later and only if if they can confirm their leave.
Now our clients at Les Chouettes, the French Country Cottage knows that people don’t make a decision straight away. They also know that their clients will be faced with many options and the best way to hold their clients interest is to provide a guide to the area which can be downloaded from their website.
So they employ a number of strategies to entice John and Valerie back. Firstly they had offered them their downloadable guide from The French Country Cottage website. In this case John and Valerie didn’t bite and download the guide. But as John and Valerie use the web they keep seeing display ads for ’s  guide to the Dordogne Valley popping up as online image based advertisements whenever they access their favourite news sites.
Secondly when trawling through their Facebook timeline they find an offer to download the guide as well.
The first scenario is possible through a Google remarketing advert and the second through the Facebook ads we mentioned above.
John and Valerie eventually choose one of the download options and are really amazed at the variety of things to do in the Dordogne Valley. They decide that the Dordogne will be their destination. Of course in their downloaded guide is a link to book at www, and so they make their booking, pay online and continue planning their holiday.
Never before has it been possible to target clients so effectively, so accurately and get measurable results for your ad spend.
There is a bit of a cost to set up a system like this, but the cost of the actual advertising is minimal compared to the return.
Ast THE ONLINE MARKETER we set up lead generating systems like this.
Let’s Connect

Selling on the internet Read More »

Connect with your target market

We are serious about money

We are not embarrassed about asking to be paid

We work hard for our clients

At our Online Marketing Agency we work hard for our clients. We are meticulous about our research which adds enormous value to the effectiveness of our clients websites and online marketing campaigns. We compete with graphic designers who produce visually appealing sites but who never stand a chance in hell of being found on Google.

Some of our clients actually even understand the difference. Some even appreciate our efforts and so they should.

We are generous with our time.

 We are always on hand to assist our clients with their computer problems. We regularly take calls to assist our clients with their email problems (mostly to with their outlook or email client), their inability to use certain software and are patient when they have forgotten how to make an adjustment to a page on their site. This time that we give freely in an effort to build relationships robs us of the opportunity to do more work but we accept it as part of the game and give freely in good grace.

But there is one area of our business where we fail. We fail to insist that clients pay us on time.

I’ve spoken to many small businesses about this problem and most of them fall into the same trap.
Somehow, despite offering great service we get all shy about asking for money and insisting it gets paid on time.

I think it’s a form of masochism. After all try not pay your electricity account or you Vodacom account and see how shy these people are about cutting you off. Vodacom has millions of cash reserves. As small businesses we have to pay our overheads such as salaries, lights, water, telephone and internet bandwidth. In our case we pay our service providers for hosting, domain registrations and God help us somewhere amongst the endless list of expenses we have to keep a bit for ourselves.

So why do small businesses devalue themselves so much by feeling shy to ask for payment for services delivered. It’s demeaning and it shouldn’t be.

The accounts department that has closed for the holidays wouldn’t dare not have paid the directors mobile phone  accounts.

Why should we be treated any different?

My advice is “don’t demean yourself”. Feel free to ask what is due. If not received then cut off. The utility company does- why not you.

Your clients will soon learn to take you seriously.

If you fear loosing customers because you are asking them to pay what’s due then you’re being a masochist.

If your clients get offended – then ask yourself “do you really need them as a client”?

Probably not.

If you routinely battle to get payment from your clients then be bold. It may change your cash flow and your life.

Be safe


Digitally First but Physically Enhanced

The Online Business Model has usurped the Physical Business Presence as the primary business presence. Physical businesses now support the online versions.

This transitioning has been fraught with difficulty but has been terribly exciting. Successful transients are alive with possibilities…

Why do small businesses feel strange about asking for payment? Read More »

Connect with your target market
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